
Browse’s Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease

Browse’s Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease is the brand new companion to the award-winning Browse’s Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease from the same highly-respected author team. It provides a clear insight into how the pathological features and extent of disease dictate necessary diagnostic investigations and treatment and, like its established partner, is a practical and concise textbook that is easy to read and use.

The content is highly structured, with each chapter usefully divided into three sections:

  • Relevant Pathology – a brief description of the important pathological features of the disease relevant to the clinical diagnosis, investigations and treatment
  • Investigations – covering significant clinical findings: radiological, biochemical, haematological, immunological and pathological investigations, and genetics
  • Treatment – to review all aspects of management


  • Over 300 high-quality clinical photographs
  • Over 60 colour line drawings enhance textual explanations
  • Learning and revision boxes aid understanding and provide a tool for self assessment.

Browse’s Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease is essential reading for all medical students undertaking a surgical rotation or preparing for their surgical exams. Together with Browse’s Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease, the two-book set is indispensable, providing all of the information necessary for the clinical years of undergraduate study, through foundation to postgraduate surgical training and beyond.

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