Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Radiology, Volume V: Obstetrics and Breast
by Amarnath C and Hemant Patel (Author)
Comprehensive textbook of Clinical Radiology is a fully integrated illustrated textbook of radiology to cater for residents and pracsing radiologists. It is a one-stop soluon for all academic needs in radiology. It helps radiologists as a single reference book to gain complete knowledge instead of referring to mulple resources. More than 500 remarkable authors, who are recognized experts in their subspeciality, have contributed to this book. To meet the expectaons of clinical radiologists, thorough clinical experse and familiarity with all the imaging modalies appropriate to address their clinical quesons are necessary, regardless of one’s favoured subspeciality. To keep the content relevant to them we have tried to stay upgraded to their level. This book comprises six volumes, which gives informaon on Radiological Anatomy, Embryology, Nomogram, Normal Variants, Physics, Imaging Techniques, and all the aspects of Diagnosc Radiology including Neuroradiology, Head and Neck, Chest and CVS, Abdomen, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Breast, Musculoskeletal and Mulsystem Disorders & related Intervenonal techniques. It will serve as a primary reference for residents and subspeciality trainees and fellows to facilitate their learning in preparaon for their examinaon, and also the consultant radiologists in their daily clinical pracce. This volume is subdivided into two secons. Secon 12 deals with topics in foetal medicine. The 49 chapters in the secon cover every aspect of obstetric imaging in a systemac manner. The co~ent is not only a learning resource for postgraduates but also a ready reckoner for obstetric imaging specialists with answers to diagnosc and management problems faced in day- to-day pracce. The Chapters are well supported by a host of schemac diagrams and numerous ultrasound & MR images. The abundant illustraons are designed to aid in ‘paern recognion’. The image annotaons and descripve legends aid in easy understanding. The chapters are structured to cover imaging in all three trimesters of pregnancy. Allied chapters such as foetal’ syndromes, abdominal & pelvic disorders in gravid women, prenatal genecs, foetal pathology, and drug & radiaon teratogenicity have been included. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in developing and developed countries. Advancement in breast surgeries – oncoplasc and cosmec surgeries have evolved and require familiarity with all breast pathologies. Secon 13 headed by five of the finest minds in breast imaging enumerates normal anatomy, imaging pathways and methods, embryological development, and clinical scenarios ranging from benign to malignant breast condions. Breast intervenons including image-guided biopsies and therapies are explained in a lucid manner which can be useful to both beginners and pracsing subspecialty Radiologists. Latest advances in breast imaging and intervenons are the highlights of this secon.
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