Gastrointestinal Imaging Cases
A unique case-based approach to learning how to interpret gastrointestinal images
Gastrointestinal Imaging Cases features more than 150 gastrointestinal cases grouped according to organ system. Emphasizing clinical application, each case includes presentation, findings, differential diagnosis, comments, pearls, and numerous images. The book offers an efficient, systematic, and visual approach to help you better understand gastrointestinal imaging and sharpen your diagnostic skills. Covering a wide range of general clinical topics of interest to practicing imaging clinicians, Gastrointestinal Imaging Cases covers the liver, biliary, pancreas, esophagus, gastroduodenal, small bowel, colorectal, and omentum, mesentry, abdominal wall, and peritoneum.
The book’s easy-to-navigate organization is specifically designed for use at the workstation. The concise, quick-read text, numerous images, and helpful pearls speed and simplify the learning process.
- Organ-specific organization
- More than 975 multi-modality images
- More than 150 classic case presentations with a strong focus on differential diagnosis
- Covers a wide range of clinical topics
- Consistent chapter organization
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