Neurosurgery Self-Assessment: Questions and Answers
Ideal for both neurosurgical residents and recertifying neurosurgeons, Neurosurgery Self-Assessment: Questions and Answers offers the most comprehensive, up to date coverage available. Over 1,000 clinically relevant multiple-choice questions across 46 topic areas test the candidate’s knowledge of basic neuroscience and neurosurgical subspecialties to an unparalleled degree and provide detailed answer explanations to facilitate learning and assessment.
- Over 700 histology, pathology, radiology, clinical and anatomical images serve as an index of routinely tested-on images in neurosurgical examinations with high-yield summaries of each pathology to reinforce and simplify key concepts.
- Includes only multiple choice questions in both single-best-answer and extended matching item (10-20 options) format increasingly adopted by neurosurgery certification boards worldwide.
- Questions are organized by topic and classified by degree of difficulty through a highly visual “traffic light system” which codes each question in green, amber, or red.
- Includes coverage of the landmark studies in areas such as vascular, stroke, spine and neurooncology.
- Practical tips facilitate study with test-taking strategies and things to consider before sitting for an exam.
- Utilizes Imperial and SI units throughout.
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