
Operative Techniques: Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery

Mininder Kocher MD (Author), Michael B. Millis MD (Author)


Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery-a title in the Operative Techniques series-offers you the step-by-step guidance you need-on femoral lengthening, sofield procedure, distal radius fracture, and more-from experts Mininder Kocher and Michael B. Millis. Perform all of the latest and best techniques in this specialty thanks to large, full-color intraoperative photos, diagrammable illustrations, a dedicated website, and a companion DVD with select procedural videos.

  • Access the fully searchable text online at, along with surgical videos and reference links.
  • Refine the quality of your technique and learn the expert’s approach to getting the best results thanks to pearls and pitfalls and an emphasis on optimizing outcomes.
  • Master every procedure with step-by-step instructions on positioning, exposures, instrumentation, and implants.
  • Provide comprehensive care for your patients through discussions of post-operative care and expected outcomes, including potential complications and brief notes on controversies and supporting evidence.
  • See every detail with clarity using color photos and illustrations that highlight key anatomies and diagrams that present cases as they appear in real life.
  • Perfect your technique from watching over procedural videos on the included DVD.

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