The Principles of Creation The Underlying Spiritual Forces to Guide Life, from Genesis to the Space Age
“All Creations Provide A Window Into The Soul Of The Creator”
Zone away into a different space that unveils the fundamental nature of existence. Read about the deep mysteries of the universe to realize the power already within you. For to understand the universe is to understand oneself.
In this avant-garde book successful investor Tejas has compiled seven timeless principles which have guided the progress of mankind. These principles have been written from scratch with no bias, however they could be associated with the sayings of Jesus on the cross.
The Principles of Creation reveals:
- 7 core principles for individual and communal progress and the state of mind accessed to position one for inner peace and success
- The origins of love and how to manage one’s emotions under various circumstances
- The reason for war and the pursuit of a lasting peace
- The social structure, environment and diet for personal growth and self actualization
It also turns to metaphysical topics and explores:
- The secret that aroused the enigmatic desire for sex
- Consciousness and its connection with the quantum world
- The age old query of life after death, and of God
- The promise and yet terrible threat of Artificial Intelligence
The Principles of Creation addresses disparate issues from the past, present and future that are yet knit together in a unified theme. In essence the book contrasts the boundless possibilities of technological and spiritual advancement against the danger of decline, and presents the current age as a choice between human triumph or despair.
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