Back and better than ever, Darby and Walsh’s Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 5th Edition offers everything you need to succeed in your coursework, at certification, and in clinical practice. No other dental hygiene text incorporates the clinical skills, theory, and evidence-based practice in such an approachable way. All discussions — from foundational concepts to diagnosis to pain management — are presented within the context of a unique patient-centered model that takes the entire person into consideration. New to this fifth edition is a much more streamlined approach — one that stays focused on need-to-know information, yet also houses expanded content on things like alternative practice settings, pediatric care, risk assessment, and dental hygiene diagnosis to give you added context when needed. This edition is also filled with new modern illustrations and new clinical photos to augment your learning. If you want a better grasp of all the dental hygienist’s roles and responsibilities in today’s practice, they Darby and Walsh’s renowned text is a must-have.


  • Focus on research and evidence-base practice provide proven findings and practical applications for topics of interest in modern dental hygiene care.
  • Step-by-step procedure boxes with accompanying illustrations, clinical photos, and rationales outline the equipment required and the steps involved in performing key procedures.
  • Critical thinking exercises, cases, and scenarios help hone your application and problem-solving skills.
  • Feature boxes highlight patient education, law, ethics, and safety.
  • UNIQUE! Discussions of theory provide a solid foundation for practice.