
Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat With Head and Neck Surgery, 2nd Edition

• The contemporary definitive textbook represents ear, nose, throat, head and neck surgery in all its diversity and targets the medical students, residents and practitioners• Significant addition to the contents as well as clinical highlights offer advanced information and guidelines for the clinical practice• Includes instructive boxes, tables, flow charts, line digrams and photographs to enhance learning• Contains chapter on anatomy of neck, thyroid and parathyroid; bacteria and antibiotics; fungi and viruses; diagnostic imaging, including CT anatomy of ENT; and anesthesia• Clinical highlights for quick revision, especially prepared for answering frequently asked MCQs (PGME, USMLE and PLAB), short-answer questions and oral/viva questions• Appendix having top 101 clinical secrets, problem-oriented clinical cases and miscellaneous key points• Chapters reviewed by many professors of various medical colleges of India.