
Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition

Walter H. Johnson, James H. Moller

Caring for children with heart disease is extremely complex, requiring a different and often tailor-made approach compared with adults with similar cardiac problems.

Built on the success of previous editions and brought to you by a stellar author team, Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide provides a unique, concise, and extremely practical overview of heart disease in children.

From history-taking, physical examination, ECG, and chest X-ray—the basics that enable clinicians to uncover possible problems and eliminate areas of false concern—it goes on to examine the range of more complex topics in the diagnosis and treatment/management of childhood cardiovascular disease.

In this edition, you’ll find:

  • An enhanced section on imaging includes recent advances in cardiac MRI and fetal echocardiography.
  • New techniques in genetic testing for heart disease in special populations
  • Much more emphasis is placed on the importance of echocardiography in understanding the pathophysiology of congenital cardiac malformations.
  • Expanded section on cardiac conditions in the neonate, specifically on prenatal diagnosis and management, neonatal screening for congenital heart disease, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome
  • Expanded and updated congestive cardiac failure section, including the latest in genetic and metabolic causes of heart failure and medical/surgical treatment options; discussion of bridging therapies; essentials of transplantation, including common drug treatment regimens; clinical recognition of treatment complications and rejection; outcomes; morbidity; and survival

In addition, every chapter is fully updated with the very latest clinical guidelines and management options from the AHA, ACC, and ESC.

Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide, 3rd edition, is quite simply a must-have guide for all members of the multidisciplinary team managing children suffering from heart disease.

Winco Medical Book