
Preclinical Manual Of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics, 3rd Edition

This manual provides step-by-step pictures and illustrations of the various laboratory exercises that students have to learn and perform in their first and second-year BDS courses for the preclinical conservative dentistry examination. This is the only book of its kind that would serve as a guide for learning as well as practicing the exercises on both plaster and typodont models in the preclinical laboratory.

Segregated into 11 well-defined chapters, the book:

  • Provides synopsis of topics related to conservative dentistry and endodontics
  • Includes clear description with illustrations of every instrument and piece of equipment used
  • Provides details regarding the composition, properties, uses and manipulation of various dental materials
  • Includes clear description with images of the phantom head and typodont teeth used in the preclinical laboratory, along with a beginner’s pictorial guide in using airotor and micromotor rotary instruments
  • Discusses various features, rules and fundamentals of tooth preparation
  • Provides step-by-step pictorial representation along with explanation of all laboratory plaster and typodont model exercises
  • Provides more than 300 commonly asked questions to help students prepare for their viva-voce examination, along with frequently asked spotters
  •  Includes an exhaustive glossary of conservative dentistry and endodontic terms
