
Manual of Chest X-ray, Volume 1 ( Modules 1 and 2 )

by Rajendra Prasad (Author), Nikhil Gupta (Author), Kiran Vishnu Narayan (Author)

Salient Features

★ A comprehensive manual on chest X-ray covering all the aspects of chest X-ray interpretation.

★ Covers systemic reading of normal chest X-ray and various lesions in soft tissue, bony cage, diaphragm, hilum, heart, mediastinum and all the lesions of lung parenchyma and pleura.

★ All chapters are organized in a systematic way for easy understanding.

★ Available in print and e-book versions with text divided into four modules—two volumes.

★ Modules and Volumes

  • Module 1 comprises reading normal chest X-rays and lesions of soft tissues, bony cage and diaphragm.
  • Module 2 comprises lesions of heart, mediastinum, hilum, cavity and infiltrations.

★ Useful to all medical students, residents, radiologists, physicians and surgeons involved in interpretation of chest X-ray in day to day clinical practice.
