
Mastering Cancer Reconstructive Surgery with Free Flaps

This book focuses on mastering cancer reconstructive surgery with free flaps. Tata Memorial Hospital receives thousands of patients in outpatient departments daily, each waging their own battles with cancer with some help from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. ‘Evidence-based Medicine’ is the core value around which most decision is taken in multidisciplinary joint clinics. The variations and experiments are restricted to research setting and exceptional circumstances. This book consists of 20 chapters which include philosophy and current practice of cancer reconstruction at Tata memorial hospital, art and technique of microvascular anastomosis, thromboprophylaxis for free flaps, anterolateral thigh flap, free fibula flap, radial forearm flap, medial sural artery perforator flap, thoracodorsal artery perforator flap, gracilis flap, prosthetic rehabilitation and reconstruction, composite tissue allotransplantation, and algorithms for common defects. The Plastic surgery department plays its small role. This book inspires many youngsters to pursue cancer reconstruction with free flaps, refine those who are already doing it and instil a sense of pride in those who nurtured microsurgery in its nascent years.