
Ultrasound Guided Invasive Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Simplified

This book focuses on Ultrasound Guided, Invasive Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques. It is essential for established practitioners to have understanding of ‘Fetal Medicine’ to help answer the question foremost in every prospective patient’s mind ‘is my baby going to be normal? This book consists of 13 chapters that include introduction, paradigm shift in prenatal diagnosis, amniocentesis, chorionic villous sampling, cordocentesis and embryoscopy, patient counseling prior to interventional prenatal diagnostic procedures, ethical and legal issues in prenatal diagnosis, principles of ultrasound guided invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques, procedural prerequisites, amniocentesis, chorionic villous sampling, cordocentesis, embryoscopy, multiple pregnancy and prenatal diagnosis, and summary and suggested reading. In this book, the major indications and variation of Ultrasound guided techniques in ‘Fetal Medicine’ is covered.
